Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ur-Inn Castle

After 3.2 hectares or 3 million billograms, we arrived at Glasgow Queen Street station (of course we did) and headed off to our hotel.

A little back story on the hotel. Back when we started planning this trip, Jeff said he wanted to stay in a castle because he thought that all people in Europe live in castles.

So I managed to find this castle hotel just outside of town...

Hi it was very fancy from the outside...

And from the inside as well...

Jeff was very excited and he was practicing his curtsy for the Queen who he assumed was also staying at the castle with us...

Yeah I know, idiot! But after a few minutes we noticed that there was a peculiar aroma on the ground floor of the hotel...

Well it wasn't all that particular, it was actually quite specific...

Okay enough with the subtlety, hi it smelled like pee on the first floor. Great we checked into the Urine Castle! F!!

It's a good thing we are off for shenanigans in town, because we are NYOT staying in Castle Wee-Wee all day! See ya!

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Location:Stinky, Scotland