Wednesday, June 8, 2011

One More Drink (the Scottish Years)

A little backstory to this post. Back when I went to Uni in England if there was one person I was closest to it was my friend James, and his lovely boyfriend George is Scottish and happened to be back home visiting family when we got to Glasgow, so he decided to come meet up with us for dinner, drinks and surely a disaster to follow...

That's George and don't be fooled he may look nice and innocent but he is a deviant! Hence for the remainder of this post, he will be referred to as "George the Deviant". The night started off with a couple drinks at the hotel and then at dinner these started flowing...

Oh God here we go. Since we were all a little tired, we ended up getting buzzed really quickly, so yep it's time for a Photo Essay...

The calm before the storm...

We still look normal here, it didn't last long!

See, my lazy eyes are already making an appearance!

And as the drinks started flowing and flowing, George the Deviant started to fully appear...

Since he is Scottish, his liver is made of steel, so he can pretty much drink all night long and not be a complete mess. We did our best to keep up...

And he just kept saying "let's get one more drink!". Bad George!

And then karaoke started at the bar and Jeff was terrified...

So we made a company move to another bar because it was only 9pm so clearly we had to drink more, oh God...

We had about a 10 minute break from drinking, so we started to sober up a wee bit...

But again it didn't last long...

Because George the Deviant order Jaegerbomb shots...

Hi this is when we started to perish...

I think this is the actual moment when Bookie perished...

And I got a severe case of the giggles...

And somehow I lost my eyeballs, I think I might have drank them...

And the drinking didn't stop there, and neither did the insanity...

The night also started getting fuzzy from this point...

Jeff might have been over it too, it's hard to tell...

I'm not sure what is happening here but I'm pretty sure it was George ordering more drinks, Euro Blam!

And now I am incapable of not making random faces in pictures...

And George the Deviant actually sprouted horns as he ordered, say it with me, "one more drink!"


And then the music started getting really good...

So we moved it out to the dance floor...

And then the fog started, and we lost Jeff...

And Bookie started to boogy...

Found Jeff!

Cheese!! And this is where I became George the Deviant and ordered "one more drink!"

Yeah that might have been a mistake...

Evil Scottish/French Keith!!

See George is totally fine and Jeff is perishing...

And this picture pretty much sums up the night because that random guy was a disaster and so were we!!

Ugh off to bed. We are putting out rewards for anyone who can find out livers. Good day!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:The Glasgow Gutter


  1. Hahahahahahahahahahahahhaha.
    George the Deviant looks like a youthful Ronnie Reagan so you should have realised he was evil

  2. Someone really took the time to put his face on! SO fancy.
