Friday, June 10, 2011

I Think It Might Be...

After our non-boozy ice cream, the three of us walked around a bit and eventually made our way over to the Soho area...
"Ooh!  Look!  It's our hotel in Ireland!"

While wandering, I found somewhere to work, since I never want to leave this place...

 Goud thing I already knouw the language!

With a new career in place (I'm sure they'll be calling me back any minute...) we went out to celebrate with, yep--you guessed it--a few drinks at a bar that I think might be gay...

G. A. Y. is one of the biggest gay clubs in London.  We were only going to go for just one drink, but...

"Come on, just one moure drink, Keith!  It'll be fun!"
...things started to get blurry.  Again.    

And once again, we wound up being accosted by a group of total weirdos we don't even know.

...that dude is literally biting Keith.   These guys were even stranger than any of the other strangers we've met so far.  And that is not a trend I care to see continue.
